About Hong Kong United Foundation (HKUF)
香港齊心基金會是一個非政府、非牟利智庫組織, 由一群務實、有承擔的社會賢達於2012年7月成立。基金會本着「敢為人先,勇於創新」的精神,矢志為香港創建更好的未來、以及為香港作為國家的一份子實現可持續發展而作出貢獻。多年來,齊心基金發展出三大領域工作:
近年,齊心基金更進駐廣州南沙、成立分部,在粵港澳大灣區建立新據點,與內地不同的夥伴展開多方面合作,聯動灣區,面向世界; 助力各持份者增進彼此認識、彼此尊重,利於促進中國進一步實踐對外開放。
Inaugurated in July 2012, the Hong Kong United Foundation (“HKUF”) is a pragmatic non-government, non-profiting making think tank founded by a group of community leaders with the aims to contribute to the betterment of Hong Kong and its sustainable socio-economic development as a part of the mainland China. With a motto “Be First, Be Valiant, Be Innovative”, HKUF has developed three major areas of work, as follows:
In recent years, HKUF has extended its reach to mainland China by setting up a sub office in Nansha, Guanzhou. With this new foothold in the Greater Bay Area, HKUF has been developing new collaborations and synergies with mainland partners to promote understanding, and respect among different stakeholders, facilitating further opening up of China to the world.